Welcome to the place where fantasies come true

Sunday, 16 January 2011

Being together

Living away from someone you care deeply for is a hard life.

Those times when all you want to do is curl up and hold the other close. Feel their breath on your face, their warm soft skin next to yours or just glance up into their eyes and see how they truely feel.

The sleepy caress of their body against yours as you lie together in bed. The way their breathing changes as they finally surrender to sleep and the softness that passes over their face.

Their hairbrush on your dresser, the little flecks of shaving foam in the sink when you step from the shower and know they are there under the same roof warms your heart.

Even their shoes carelessly kicked off by the door do not annoy you but make you smile when you remember their hasty arrival. 

When they leave you walk around the house feeling lost.

The sofa still warm from their body, the mug left on the table still just warm from their drink.

The tiny whiskers left stray in the bathroom sink, stark in contrast against the white porcelain.

The messy bed, covers hanging off, the half drunk glass of water on the bedside cabinet.

It needs to be cleaned up and tidied but to do that would be to remove their presence....

You lay on the bed, breathing deeply their scent from the pillows and hold onto them just that little longer..

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